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About Alatriste

  • Birthday 02/24/1976

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  1. Sorry, seems I`ve found what`s wrong was that - I temporary disabled SpiderGate module of DrWeb for Linux antivirus just now, and Enpass extension works! Very sorry for incovenience, I`ll be discuss it with DrWeb support. I didn`t consider it is somehow blocking localhost connections...
  2. Hi, Vinod Kumar, I did "apt purge enpass", then reinstalled enpass from repo. output of "ls -al /opt/Enpass/bin": drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 тра 11 01:12 . drwxrwxr-x 6 root root 4096 тра 11 01:12 .. -rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 6788107 тра 2 15:07 Enpass drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 тра 11 01:12 EnpassHelper -rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 405 кві 29 2015 runenpass.sh
  3. Ok, for Arch it`s fixed. What about other distros? Linux Mint 17.3 x64 "Rosa", Enpass 5.2.1 installed from deb-repository http://repo.sinew.in/ , Enpass extension for Firefox from Mozilla repository - I see same problem: when clicking on Enpas extension button, nothing is happens (Enpass is sitting in tray at that time). lsof -i:10391 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME firefox 3719 user 77u IPv4 83147 0t0 TCP localhost:44810->localhost:10391 (ESTABLISHED) Enpass 4784 user 16u IPv4 66865 0t0 TCP localhost:10391 (LISTEN) Enpass 4784 user 26u IPv4 83148 0t0 TCP localhost:10391->localhost:44813 (ESTABLISHED)
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