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Mathias Brodala

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  1. Thanks for all the pointers. Interestingly the upgrade went smoothly with my 2nd user account, even `xdg -open enpassauth://dropbox/` worked without any additional work. However, this didn't work on my main account but I found a solution by simply manually invoking Enpass: /opt/enpass/Enpass "enpassauth://dropbox?state=security_token_sinew&code=<code>" All arguments (state and code) are shown in the browser URL when trying to set up Dropbox sync. With this I could set up Dropbox sync successfully.
  2. After upgrading Enpass to version 6.0 on my desktop (Xfce, Debian Sid) today, I was greeted with a wizard to restore my wallet. I went and selected Dropbox and after logging in and giving Enpass permissions I was greeted with a site prompting me to launch `xdg-open` which in turn gave me the following error message: (Freely translated from German) How should I set up sync from Dropbox with Enpass 6?
  3. @Akash Vyas, what about Linux? Do you use password input widgets provided by the toolkit here?
  4. I just stumbled over this. Are there plans to properly fix this? Maybe Keybase can change their login form to support Enpass here?
  5. @Hemant Kumar, ah sorry I didn't mention this. I'm using Xfce and its panel "xfce4-panel" which provides a systray plugin out of the box. My distro of choice is Debian. Here are a few of my applications which have the behavior I'm used to: Pidgin Exaile Thunderbird (via FireTray add-on)
  6. It would be neat if Enpass would not only reveal itself when clicking the tray icon once but also hide itself on another single click. That's the usual tray icon behavior of all kind of desktop apps on Linux. Currently clicking the tray icon when Enpass is visible simply does nothing aside from focusing the window.
  7. @Ankur Gupta, sounds great. I assume one should join the beta program to have a look at this alpha?
  8. Hi Ankur, thanks for the insights. How would that auto-backup look like exactly? Would Enpass simply create copies of the database at regular intervals? I'll add the database file to my regular backup for safety. ;-) Regards, Mathias
  9. Does Enpass ensure that a corrupted database is not synced to the cloud? I want to be sure what happens in the worst case and if my database is corrupted somehow having that broken database synced to the cloud and thus overwrite a good version would be really bad. Since I can only sync to one cloud provider I'd have no way back in this case.
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