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Posts posted by Ezekiel

  1. Hello at Enpass Team,

    I perfectly understand the fact that you need some income for the recurrent cost. And that the Pro/Premium users with lifetime licence don't give you any more revenue. But what you did with the "new Premium features but none to Pro users" poses a problem because as many told before me, none will trust you anymore. What next ? Deluxe Premium ? Platinum Premium ? At first, the lifetime licence can seem like a great way to begin your company or to promote your service/software but on the long way, it'll become a nightmare, financially speaking. However, once you offer such option, it's really hard to back up.

    I have no idea how much Pro/Premium users with a lifetime licence you have compared to Premium users with subscriptions. But if the number is low then that shouldn't be a big financial problem. All Pro users have a lifetime licence not by choice but because there is none other options (except the free option) before and they are the same people who promoted Enpass at their family, friends and coworkers. Doing anything that will do to you to lose your promoters is not a good idea.

    Remember, Bitwarden cost only 10$/year for get Premium features for all users (old and new). If you don't want lose more user/customer, it'll be best that you found a mean to correct your ways of doing things. What you just did is really risky. Asking for a optional donation to lifetime users, would to be better option because any satisfied lifetime user would not have a big problem to help you if the need is there.

    It's all what I wanted said.


    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi,

    Actually, I've some requests:

    First, in the password verification feature, we have 3 options about the password age: 

    • 3 to 6 months
    • 6 to 12 months
    • 1 to 3 years

    I would like add a fourth option : 3 to 6 years. I know that some password older that 3 years should be considered as insecure and should be changed. But I would like know how much of my passwords are older that 1 or 3 years. Because now it's a little hard to say if some of my password are really old or not.

    Second, the dark theme should be modified a little. Personally, I don't really like the blue/black theme. The contrast is too big for me. A mix of gray/black for the content and maybe a different color for the actual blue bar by using the Windows setting in customization/colors.

    Third, I would like a little indication (similar to element number in lateral bar) for know the password length because actually you need manually counting the characters number for know it. It'll help me to get know what password are short or long.

    And finally, I want modify the default connection template by removing the fields about security/response question and phone number definitely. When I create a new template using the default one I found myself with 2 'by default'. Yes, I could change the name but it doesn't change the fact that this one is undeletable/editable. Can you add the option to edit or delete this default template?


    This all for now. Thank.

  3. Hi,

    On my 4K monitor, the scaling is 150% (I don't know about you). I did change the scaling parameter 150% -> 100%,  disconnected my session (it'll close all app) and in my new session I put back the scaling to 150%. Enpass will be okay only for this one session.  If you restart Windows, you'll need redo the scaling tips again. Enpass don't have a scaling problem if you put 100%. Once you change back to 150%, all Windows (& others app) will be to 150% except Enpass (it'll stay at 100%).  It's just temporary. It's better to wait for the Enpass team for a patch.

  4. Hi,

    My feedback/questions for the Enpass 6 beta for Windows.

    1. The UI is too little on my UHD monitor (3840x2160). Need to add option for high resolution display.
    2. Highlight the item count number as in Enpass 5 to make it more visible.
    3. I'd like import some backup data of Enpass 5 for test, but i'm unable to do it.
    4. Add option to change the hamburger menu in a classic menu bar.
    5. How do you use the TOTP field? For many services that I use I need to enter a One Time password via mobile app or physical digipass.
    6. Let's hope a French version will be up for the final stable version of Enpass 6.
    7. Can you add a function (if possible) for warn the user if the URL is https or http? Just put the url with http in red as with a weak password.

    Thank and continue the great work.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Hi,

    Can Enpass add a similar feature to Lastpass' challenge security with more options?

    I know that Enpass have a "password verification" feature but I found it lack some options. Per example:

    - The possibility to search for password with less that xx characters. Per example, if password have less that 20 characters I consider it as weak.
    - The possibility to search for password that don't have numbers or special characters. 
    - The possibility to change the quantity of month (y month instead of x month) for the "old" criteria. I don't consider 1 month as old for a password and I don't change them each month neither.
    - The possibility to know if a password is compromised. In other word, if the website been attacked recently.

    The Lastpass' challenge security score is based on 6 criteria:

    - Compromised password
    - Weak password
    - Old password
    - Reused password
    - Master password force
    - Use of Multifactor authentifaction

    I can understand that multifactor key is complicated to use with Enpass but for the first five criteria I think that Enpass can add more options to it. That could be interesting if can know our score for help us keep a good security hygiene.

    My 2 cents as we said.

    Thank you.

  6. Hi, 

    I'm unable to found a means for autofill this web page : EmployerD - Desjardins with Enpass. And in addition, there is 2 step for access, the first is the "User code" and "business code" and second page is for enter the password. Because i'm unable to use Enpass (and Lastpass) with this website, I'm forced to copy/paste with my text fil (notepad++). I tried many thing but never succeeded. Any idea? Thank you.


    - Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
    - Opera beta v.47.0
    - Enpass desktop 5.5.7 + Opera extension

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