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Enpass Discussion Forum


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  1. I have issues with syncing Enpass beta and Enpass 6 on PC. I have two PC's with Enpass 6 and Android with Enpass 6 Beta. All of them are set to cloud sync via OneDrive Both PC are syncing without issues. But it seems that default vault for beta is different - any changes done on PC are not updated on Android app. I've tried to disconnect from cloud and connect again - as a result the database was synced, but still different one than it is available on PC's. When I go to the OneDrive apps folder I see three folders for Enpass: 1. "enpass" with some backup file inside 2. "enpass 1", where, according to last modification date, a file used on PC's is stored 3. "enpass beta" where, according to last modification date, a file used by Android app is stored". What can I do to make all instances of Enpass use the same database? And how to merge these two databases to not loose changes which were done in the meantime and not synced between PC's and Android?
  2. Same here, the "Enpass connection error" makes is useless for Edge. Sometimes it works, most of the time not. Application and extension in their latest available versions. I see this happens at least for some users for months, so it is nothing new, but still not corrected. Currently I'm testing another software and it is working fine, so it can be done properly.
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