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Jack TANG last won the day on July 16 2019

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  1. Which brand and model of USB fingerprint device can use to login enpass without master password to enter on every program start?
  2. My Enpass version is Enpass Beta 6.0.0 (72)
  3. When reboot Windows 10 every time, the Enpass requested to input the master password, and it didn't have a Windows Hello shortcut for override the master password. Would Enpass has an option to allow user to choose Enpass can provide Windows Hello function to login master password after every reboot? As normal case, fingerprint is hard to simulate by normal people, so it should not has a high security risk for use the Windows Hello function to open program at restart the computer every time.
  4. Would the password list report format as "Table" format (likes Excel style)? It can just provides the option of which fields to print, (e.g. name, email, url, password as a single line) In the current design, the printing hard-copy is too many pages although just a few password items.
  5. Would enpass just released with windows hello function which just to unlock the main password first? The problem is the main password is hard to remember for security reason. If the main password lock can unlock by windows hello, then the usage would be better.
  6. Would the next desktop version has the following features? 1. printing report function, which provides the offline hardcopy backup solution. 2. Add a windows hello support, to provide "No Password Environment". 3. Add an option to disable to show password feature by press the "eyes" icon, it is because has a security problem when doing action with the other people in front of computer.
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