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Zoker last won the day on July 14 2020

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  1. Hi Enpass Team, First I want to say thank you: For the last couple of years, enpass crashed quite often on my notebook and since a few month it seems to be very stable. Thanks for that! Now to my little issue: When I activate autostart on windows start, every time enpass launches, it also launches a console window, that quickly after that closes. This by itself is no issue. But this also launches my Windows Terminal app, which after than stays open. As soon as I disable enpass autostart, this does not happen anymore. BTW this also happens when I don't auto start enpass but then manually open enpass. So it seems that this is an issue with enpass altogether and not the autostart function. It's very annoying that my windows terminal opens every time I restart windows. Can you please look into that and maybe avoid the opening of the terminal window altogether? Information: Enpass 6.8.5 (1238) Windows 11 Pro 22H2 (22623.1255) Thanks! Regards, Florian
  2. Hi @Pratyush Sharma I still have a lot of crashes during the day, that's really annoying. What is the status on this issue? Thanks!
  3. Actually the application did not crash for some time, but in the last days, it happend often again. I did submit a crash report every time, with this comment: Can you please have a look at this? Thanks!
  4. For me the issue has gone since one of the resent updates. Thanks you Enpass team for that!
  5. @Pratyush Sharma I just had another crash and reported it with this text: Hope that helps
  6. Same here also don't have any "Enable logs" within the main Enpass application. Only in the browser extension...
  7. Yes I was wondering this too: Why can't we see the actual crash report that is sent? This way we can see if it is the same issue or not. And also share the report here...
  8. Hi @Pratyush Sharma, Thanks for the quick reply! I use a Xiaomi Mi Book Pro 2019 with Windows 10 (2004 / 19041.329) Enpass version: 6.43.666.0 Enpass extension version: 6.4.0 Browser: Edge chromium 84.0.522.28 I did not test this with many browsers, but before I used the Edge chromium I used Google Chrome and had the same issue there No I don't use any antivirus software, only native windows defender Yes I have submitted crash reports (see the screenshot in the first post), but I have no idea how to get the string you mentioned. Can you please help me get this string? Please let me know, if you need any more information! Regards, Zoker
  9. Hi there, I'm using the Enpass version from the Microsoft Store and also paid for the full version. Half the time I click on the Chrome Edge extension to auto fill my login, the main Enpass application crashes. I submitted my crash reports since half a year and for at least 50 times now, but the issue does not seem to be fixed yet. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application with also re-adding my vault. But it still crashes. Can somebody help me or can anyone from the dev team have a look? Thanks! Kind regards, Zoker
  10. Hi there, When I select an icon or the favicon of an item, the changes are not synced between my Windows and Android app. Can you please also sync the icon? Thank you!
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