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  1. My issue may or may not be related, but after the 6.6.0 (750) update I cannot see my data unless I manually go into edit-mode of each entry. Also I cannot create new entries in Windows anymore as nothing shows up after I choose "New Entry" from the create new entry workflow. Tried uninstalling and installing the Windows Appstore version and the same issue persists after dropbox sync of database.
  2. I've been hit with this too with some 2700 copies of EnPassHelper eating up 100% of my CPU and a good chunk of RAM. 1. Enpass was running 2. Enpass was unlocked with Master Pass, but PIN locked Idle 3. Chrome (with 10 tabs open) and Outlook were left open with Enpass over night 4. Chrome plugin is installed 5. Single User Enpass v5.6.5 Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Chrome Version 65.0.3325.181 (Official Build) (64-bit)
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