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  1. I would like to create multiple vaults - one for my personal stuff and the other one for office stuff. These should be synced with iCloud and this should support both Mac and iOS app. At present, you can create two vaults but when you sync to iCloud, it merges data to both vaults thus defeating the very purpose of creating two vaults. Let me know if this feature exists now. If not, can we expect an update with this new and useful feature?
  2. Though enpass allows us to create multiple vaults, the attendant features are completely useless due to the following reasons: 1. Doesn't allow multiple vaults to be synced to a single cloud accounts 2. Due to the above, all vaults do not appear across all devices. Due to the above two reasons, there is no reason / use case to have multiple vaults (except sharing - which I guess is less used use case). I would love to have the following: 1. Creation of multiple vaults with independent passwords for each vaults 2. Ability to sync multiple vaults to same cloud account 3. Ability to see all these multiple vaults across all devices Please treat this as a priority and include these features in your next release. Thanks for creating such a wonderful app.
  3. Is this happening or not? We would love enpass to load favicon from the URLs directly.
  4. RaviRK

    Password History

    Password history was a good feature in the old version. I don't see them in the latest version of iOS and mac apps. Where is this now?
  5. This is a 2 year old request and all I can see is a standard response that this is part of a major release. 2 years and no release - major or minor? This is worrisome for a new user like me. There are no updates........
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