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Enpass Discussion Forum


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  1. I am aware. I think Enpass should at least notify users that they are aware of the issue and they are working on a fix.
  2. Unfortunately, Enpass does not seem to really care about their users and it's frustrating. It has been several days now since I added to this thread and reported the same issue and no one has replied yet. It sucks.
  3. I keep getting this error as well- and often! I am using Enpass version 5.6.17 (5428) on Windows 10. Did anyone find a fix for this? I have attached the error I keep receiving this error while running Enpass. Users and developers of Enpass, please advise. Thanks.
  4. Thank you for responding, @Anshu kumar
  5. Can someone confirm if Enpass will be doing a security audit? If there will be no security audit, I will be leaving Enpass like@Gili and I will use a different password manager. The responsiveness of the staff tells me that security is not a really a top priority to Enpass (maybe a priority, but not a top priority).
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