A few notes, bugs and issues:
- What does TOTP mean?
- As others have noted, the UI is rather un-Mac, especially the settings/preferences. Not a BIG deal to me personally, but it makes the Mac version feel like an afterthought, and also makes the app less accessible for less experienced users (my poor old dad would be confused by it, but find his way eventually, with help)
- Where’s the Sync button? Is Sync not ready yet? I can't find where I go to connect to a cloud account.
- And will we be able to CHOOSE the location of the Enpass folder within the cloud?
- I don't want Enpass cluttering the top level of my Google Drive/Dropbox/whatever
- I know this isn't in the cards right now, but it would be extremely helpful to be able to sync multiple vaults to the same cloud account
- CMD+W doesn’t close the Enpass window
- Also, Close Window is in the Window menu, which is not Mac standard — it should be in the File menu
- Maybe this is why CMD+W doesn’t work? (It's in the right place, and works, in Enpass 5)
- When the Menu Bar overlay is open, tapping the Menu Bar icon does not close the overlay as it should
- Along with not being able to use ESC (see APP & EXTENSIONS below), this means the only way to close the Menu Bar overlay is by clicking somewhere else on the screen
- Cannot drag accounts into categories or into tags (attempting to click-drag an account instead scrolls the accounts column up and down)
- When adding tags while creating/editing an account, existing tags do not auto-complete
- Mouseover on icons should tell you what they do — e.g., the circular arrow with the star in the middle is not at all self-explanatory, and looks like a “refresh” icon (why would a circular arrow mean “generate password”?)
- Settings categories are slow to respond to clicks
- Legitimately strong passwords that Enpass 5 recognizes as “strong” (18 characters, strong mix of caps, lower, symbol & number) are flagged “weak” in Enpass 6
- ESC does not work as it should and does in any other app:
- ESC should a) clear the search field if anything has been entered, and b) close the overlay* if the search field is empty
- Users should not have to mouse over to the (x) to clear the search, and should not have to click away to close the overlays*
- When the master password field comes up, there’s no cursor, so you can’t tell if you’re in the right place to start typing (or if you have to click in the field first)
- Most other apps that run in the Menu Bar continue to run after QUITTING the application. It would be nice to not have to remember to just close the window for Enpass only
(*the word "overlay" used to say "window," but I mean the Menu Bar overlay and the browser extension overlay, not the main Enpass window, which should NOT close by hitting ESC)
That's all so far. It's looking great Vikram!