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JFL35 last won the day on October 27 2018

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  1. Hello, Quick update of the situation... With the same configuration (Mac & iOS) and changing only iCloud by GoogleDrive, no more sync issues... So it seems that there is a problem with EnPass using iCloud sync... Hope it will be solved in the next release. Joachim.
  2. Hello Akash, Thanks for the advice but unfortunately it doesn't solve the problem... I disable sync, turn off/on iCloud Drive, and enable sync again on both devices (Mac and iPhone). When I then launch Enpass on the Mac it creates a sync copy on iCloud Drive, but it didn't sync neither on the iPhone nor update the file timestamp on iCloud drive. I added an entry on Enpass iPhone but nothing sync and the new entry doesn't arrived on the Mac... The only good point is that I do not have error 116 anymore... Any new idea ? Joachim.
  3. Hello, The sync using iCloud doesn't work for now two weeks... Running Enpass desktop v5.6.9 on my MBP with macOS 10.13.05, and Enpass v5.5.8 on my iOS devices (with iOS 11.4), I didn't have iCloud sync pb for years untill end of june... I already tried, with no success, to disconnect/reconnect iCloud on both, and also remove iCloud backup... Now when I try to disconnect/reconnect iCloud on macOS, I have "Error code: -116". Any ideas ? TIA Joachim.
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