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  1. Agreed. Nice to have such kind of security feature. Waiting for response from developers....
  2. Hi, In order to improve security, it will be nice to have option to set encryption using key (additionally to master password). Integration secret key in native hardware-based credential storage (Keychains for Android, iOS, OSX) will make application more secure.
  3. Hello All, I am looking secure cross-platform data holder, and looks found your product will be probably the best. Installed trial version and also beta Enpass6. Looks like Enpass6 with ongoing features will be the best for my choice. It would be nice if you can answer some questions and take attention on my comments: 1. What is the sell strategy will be for Enpass6 and future releases? I would like to pay once and have no subscription fee in the future (like 1Password did some time ago). I prefer to store my encrypted data locally and handle synchronization by myself (using OwnCloud, or file storage) and no need to use public clouds. 2. In the Enpass6 Desktop MacOs version there are lack of import database type (for example, HandySafe removed from Enpass6 but still exists in Enpass5). 3. I want to change default vaults location of Enpass6 MacOs. But when I move ~/Library/Containers/in.sinew.Enpass6-Desktop-Beta/Data/Documents/Enpass6-Beta/Vaults to custom location and make symbolic link, application crashes during startup. Could you please to make option to choose default vaults location? I prefer to use custom location on mounted encrypted filesystem instead of default home directory (even if can be also encrypted). Is there planed release date for Enpass6? Thanks.
  4. Hi, I completely agreed this feature will be usefull.
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