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Posts posted by dabrown

  1. System:
      Kernel: 6.5.5-zen1-1-zen arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.2.1
      Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 5.27.8 tk: Qt v: 5.15.10 wm: kwin_wayland dm: SDDM
        Distro: Garuda Linux base: Arch Linux
      Type: Laptop System: ASUSTeK product: ROG Strix G614JV_G614JV v: 1.0
      Mobo: ASUSTeK model: G614JV v: 1.0 serial: <filter> UEFI: American

    I have tried with edge firefox and brave browser same results


  2. I am having this problem on my new linux system. I am installing enpass version from flatpak. I have enpass installed on mutiple windows, android, and linux systems but having issues with new system. I have tried the following all with no sucess.

    1. just trying to connect to an existing vault (fails for vautls on dropbox and onedrive)

    2. restoring from a backup then trying to connect (fails for vaults on both dropbox and onedrive)

    3.I tried the suggestion above and and deleted enpass and ~/Documents/Enpass and reinstalled same issue

    4. I even tried to resolve by completly reloading the system from ISO same issue.

    A month or so ago I was experimenting with another linux distor and had similar issue with connecting to dropbox/onedrive but I was able to restore from a backup and then connect but that didn't work this time.

    Any help woud be greatly appriciated as I need to get my new laptop set up and usable.

  3. I am still having problems with setting up syncing for my vaults. I how have a fully authorized installation an Android 10. I followed some instructions emailed to me to backup on my pc and restore on my Android phone which I was able to do.  I have tried going to Settigs -> Vaults -> "Primary Vault" -> Set up Sync. I choose Drop box and was prompted to login and I was successful I received message to allow DropBox access and I authorized and it flashed another screen then went back to prompting me to allow access. I also tried to sync to my shared vault on OneDrive and get "Authorization Finished" and prompt for Redirect but when I hit redirect it just keeps coming back to the same screen

    Is the ever going to get fixed???

  4. Some more information it appears that I have enpass Beta installed and it seems to be working but it is not syncing with the enpass I have installed on windows. I seem to have both enpass and enpass Beta installed and it is enpass that I cant get connected to Dropbox.

    enpass 6.06.200 from Google Play Store
    enpass Beta also says for Google Play Store


    enpass 6.0.6 (322) from windows store


    I really would like to get this working so that my android and windows would sync up.

  5. I have been having some trouble with my phone not syncing with Dropbox, I make changes on the windows 10 side and  don't see the changes on the phone. I tried 2 things both failed.

    1. I disconnected the vault the reconnected the vault but the data still didn't match what was on windows (widows uses the same DropBox account)

    2. I uninstalled on my phone and re-downloaded from Google Play and re-installed but I can't connect to DropBox and now I am getting "Unable to restore data due to insufficient access rights" I can see the file on DropBox on my phone so I am very confused 

    I was an origina purchasedl Enpass 5 and was upgraded to Enpass 6 really like the multiple vaults so my wife and I can share our common accounts safely but I need to get the working on my phone.

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