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cya last won the day on September 30 2021

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  1. definitely moved to another product. no real support, no communication, bye...
  2. Hello, as i already specified in my first message : MacOS BigSur (last update) on M1 MacMini, the Enpass App (last update). It is the AppStore version.
  3. Hello, QT 6.2 is available now. Would like to have a beta version built on top native for M1 platform. thanks.
  4. Hello, Each time I unlock MacOS BigSur (last update) on M1 MacMini, the Enpass App (last update) is crashing and i have to restart. As soon as i click on the menu bar Enpass icon, it crash. I am using two webdav vaults with keyfiles. Thanks
  5. same problem on Windows with the last beta version
  6. Same problem here, last enpass extension version. I am using English language.
  7. Hi, Unable to allow Google Drive and sync my vault. It seems blocked on permissions to access on Google Drive. It display that permissions are allowed, but in fact, in Apps section of google account, it does not appears. I tried to remove the old enpass authorization and retry, no way. The google drive authorization request failed (but it display that it's ok). I tried webdav synchro too, it crashed the enpass application like previous beta version...
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