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  1. So I just had to reset my phone due to some issues w/ the hardware. I did this a couple of days ago and Enpass restored properly. I tried today and can't install Enpass again. I realize that WM is pretty much dead and Enpass v6 will kill off that product, but I did use it on my phone for some important information. Any chance we can get a file to reinstall it or some other method to reinstall it?
  2. Kind of missing the point there - I'm not expecting updates (though being able to re-install it there would be nice). I don't want to upgrade my desktop version and lose access to any remaining working installs on WM. Thus the question about opting out.
  3. With the mandatory file change and no WM10 support, I can't go through the beta. How do I get out of the beta program? I'd hate to have my local app updated, upgrade my files, then lose the ability to sync w/ my phone.
  4. I think I'll need to opt out of this as well. I use Enpass on my Windows Phone (HP x3) and if there's no path to sync with that, I'll have to not go through the beta program. If/when there's an update for Windows Mobile 10, I'll be happy to try out the features, but the auto-upgrade should come with a way to not upgrade for users who want compatibility w/ WM.
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