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Everything posted by skylark

  1. I was running Enpass traditional v6.0.0 and the user interface looked good. An update reminder popped up so I did it. Now my Enpass UI has poor quality text and the text does not line up with the icons in the middle pane. I tried the steps that Gupta suggested but no change. Running Win 10 Home on a 2560 x 1440 monitor. EDIT 1/5/19: Above was with Windows 10 Home scaling at 175%. Just tried scaling at 100% and the problem persists.
  2. I found that by going: Menu > Settings > Vaults > Primary that under "Synchronize" my Google Drive account for my public gmail address was listed. I clicked disconnect and then it allowed setting up a new Google Drive under my private gmail address so I did that. Now Enpass shows my private gmail address for Google Drive and it says "Last synchronized: a few seconds ago" which looked good. But when I open Google Drive for my private gmail account, it does not show the "sync_default.walletx" file in the root directory like my public gmail Google Drive does. QUESTIONS: 1. How can Enpass say "Last synchronized: a few seconds ago" when there is no "sync_default.walletx" file in the root directory of my private gmail Google Drive? 2. How can I get Enpass to store the "sync_default.walletx" file in my private gmail Google Drive?
  3. I'm a new trial user of Enpass and used my public gmail account's Google Drive to test syncing across my tower Win10 PC, my Win10 Laptop and my android S8 phone. (Public gmail account meaning the gmail account I use to access many forums.) Now that I decided that I want to use Enpass as my permanent password manager, I want to change my Google Drive account to my private gmail account. But I can't see how to do that in Enpass. When I go to TOOLS in Enpass, I only see "Sync Now" but no way to change the sync account. (I'm running Enpass 6.0.0 (230) on my two Win10 PCs.) What's the procedure for changing the Google Drive account used for syncing? Thanks.
  4. Is there a way to change the default "name.extension" of the Enpass database that's stored on Google Drive? The default "name.extension" of that database is: "sync_default.walletx". Hackers could do a web search for that "name.extension" to find it on everyone's cloud storage and then attempt to crack them. If the name of the database stored on Google Drive could be changed to say "mypic.jpg" or "mynotes.txt" or whatever, then hackers could not find my database on the cloud. Enpass could just look on the user's cloud storage for the unique name the user selected and know it is the Enpass database. It would, in effect, be a huge leap in data security since Enpass does not store user databases on their server.
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