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  1. Thank you Anshu for taking the time to answer my questions. Will follow the procedures you outlined. Skylark
  2. Hello Enpass customer service, I want to upgrade Enpass on my Samsung S8 phone to the pro version to have more than 20 items. But I need to understand some things first. Currently I'm running Enpass traditional 6.0.0 (230) on my Win10 desktop and my Win10 laptop. I had tried the Windows store version but had the blurred and offset user interface problem so went back to 6.0.0 (230). I can sync the Enpass database on Google drive between my desktop and laptop fine with 26 items so far. I do get the pop up saying "There is a newer version available to download, click to upgrade now." But I'm reluctant to upgrade and get the blurry and offset UI problem again. My S8 phone is running Enpass It will only sync 19 items so I guess the limitation is 19 items, not 20 items. I finally figured out how to upgrade Enpass on my phone to the Pro version by clicking the gear icon. But if I pay the $11.99 + tax, will I have to pay again later? I see so many posts that complain about having to pay again when they already paid once. It's VERY confusing. ..... 1. If I upgrade my Win10 desktop and laptop to the newer version, will I get the blurry and offset UI problem again? ..... 2. If I pay the $11.99 + tax to upgrade Enpass on my S8 phone to the pro version, will I have to pay again ever for Enpass on a later model Android phone? Please let me know the correct path to follow. Thanks.
  3. Is there a way to use Enpass to autofill a password for Truecrypt? All Truecrypt asks for is a password. It does not ask for a user name. It does not have a web address associated with it. Thanks for any help.
  4. Hi downloaderfan, Is the v6.4.268.0 version you mentioned for Enpass traditional? If so, will just doing an update to my Enpass traditional v6.0.0 (230) get me that version? I've been reluctant to do updates since the one I did screwed up the interface with blurry and mis-aligned text, which forced me to go back to v6.0.0 (230) to get back to normal. Thanks!
  5. I'm using Enpass v6.0.0 (230) on my Win10 tower and laptop PCs syncing with Google Drive. I'm able to sync between those two PC and my android phone that's running the Enpass install from the Google Play Store. Maybe try v6.0.0 (230) on your Win7 PC and see if it works. BTW, do you have the blurry text and mis-aligned text problem using Enpass I had updated my tower PC by clicking the update popup and had those problems so I had to go back to v6.0.0 (230). Don't know which version that update was. Skylark
  6. Still waiting for a reply on how to restore a backup to the hidden file on Google Drive. Enpass provides a way to make a backup of the database, and I see that's there's a way to delete the hidden file on Google Drive (should it get corrupt or whatever). But there's no provision in Enpass to restore the backup as a hidden file on Google Drive that I can find. Please let us know how to restore a backup to Google Drive. Thanks.
  7. I think the wording should be changed to "Load automatically at start up". My traditional version 6.0.0 (230) loads at startup but does not ask for the master password which is fine with me and expected. On first use I have to enter my master password and quick access pin code there after.
  8. If update v6.0.2 does not improve anything, then I might as well stay with v6.0.0 (230). What you said is somewhat what I have gathered by reading the posts. It is very concerning that password management software would have so many problems. Frankly I've only entered logins for 5 websites to test Enpass on my desktop PC and android S8 phone, partly because of the apparent unstable performance I've been reading about. Are you running the Windows Store version to get v6.0.2? I'm reluctant to run the Windows Store version because with the traditional version at least I have a downloaded copy to fall back on should things go west. I assume that with the Windows Store version, it just gets installed without allowing the user to have a downloaded copy. Is that right? Thanks, Skylark
  9. Hey, question for you guys that have problems running version 6.x.x. Do you have problems running Enpass v6.0.0 (230)? I'm a new Enpass user so never tried a previous version. V6.0.0 (230) is working fine for me as far as I can tell, being a new user. I did update v6.0.0 (230) when the update pop up happened, but that update caused the blurry text and mis-aligned text problem so I went back to v6.0.0 (230). Curious to know if others are having problems running v6.0.0 (230). Skylark
  10. Hi Anshu, Vinod already told me about the hidden folder in Google Drive in this thread: https://discussion.enpass.io/index.php?/topic/5699-how-to-change-google-drive-gmail-account/ My question is how to restore a backup on my local hard drive to Google Drive as the hidden backup, should the hidden Enpass file on Google Drive be lost or corrupt. No sense in doing backups if there's no way to restore a backup to Google Drive. Thank you for your quick response. Much appreciated. Skylark
  11. Is there a way to set Enpass to autofill login to two pages? IOW, the username is on page-1 and the password is on page-2. In Keepass, there is a dialog that allows the user to change the .... normal log in: {username}{tab}{password}{Enter} .... to two page login: {username}{enter}{delay 1000}{password}{enter} Does a similar dialog exist in Enpass? If not, what's the best way to use Enpass to autofill two page logins?
  12. Am running Enpass traditional 6.0.0 (230) on two Win 10 PCs. .... 1. Tower PC with 2560 x 1440 res monitor. Win10 display scaling set to 175%. .... 2. Laptop PC with 1920 x 1080 res screen. Win10 display scaling set to 175%. Problem is that when Enpass is first opened, it opens with its window too high so the title bar is mostly off the top of the screen. I enter my master password and Enpass opens but the title bar is still mostly off the top of the screen. The bottom edge of the title bar is just barely on screen so that I can guess where the "maximize" button on the bar is and click there and then the Enpass window displays fully on the screen. This problem happens on both my tower PCs monitor and my laptop's screen. Even if I set Win10's display scaling to 100%, the problem still happens. Please fix this issue. BTW, when I did the Enpass update, the blurry and mis-aligned text problem happened. So I went back to version 6.0.0. Has the update for Enpass traditional been fixed? Thank you, Skylark
  13. Am running Enpass 6.0.0 on a Windows 10 PC. My Enpass database is a hidden file on Google Drive. I see there's auto backups and found how to save a manual backup, (I assume it's from the hidden file on Google Drive), but I can't find a restore function to restore the backup to the hidden file on Google Drive. How is that done? Thanks, Skylark
  14. Finally got Enpass to sync using keyfile for my 2 PCs and phone. Enpass is not consistent with the UI for changing the master password on the phone vs on the desktops. The main problem found was on my S8 phone: On the desktops, when entering the new password twice, there is an "Advanced" bar at the bottom (which by the way is easy to miss since it is at the extreme bottom and is light gray). Advanced gives the opportunity to generate or choose the keyfile. Make the "Advanced" bar green or something obvious! On the phone, there is no "Advanced" bar what so ever. This is why I missed it previously. To tell Enpass to use a keyfile, one must tap the 3 dots at the upper right which then opens the window that allows choosing the keyfile. This needs to be changed! Be consistent! Put an "Advanced" bar on the phone like on the desktop! No first user of Enpass would ever know that the keyfile selection is opened by tapping the 3 dots at the upper right. Once I got my phone working with the keyfile, then I set up Enpass on my laptop with the keyfile. My procedure for lurkers was: Disconnect all computers and phones from the cloud. Setup the tower PC by generating a keyfile. Sync to Google Drive. Copy the keyfile to the laptop and phone. Setup the phone with the keyfile and sync to Google Drive. I did the phone before my laptop since the phone is harder to figure out how to use the keyfile. Change the user name in one of my entries using my tower PC. Check if the change is reflected on my phone. It was. Setup my laptop with the keyfile and sync to Google Drive. Check to see if the user name change is reflected on my laptop. It was. ANOTHER PHONE UI PROBLEM: In Enpass on my two windows PCs, checking "Security" shows an option that says: "[ ] Remember the location of last used keyfile." This is how to tell if Enpass is using a keyfile. BUT on my S8 phone, there is no such entry in "Security". It appears that, that option is not on the phone since Enpass tries to make the phone easier to use by not making the user have to choose the keyfile. But this is inconsistent. it should be the same on the phone as it is on the desktops. Currently there is no way that I can see to verify on the phone that it is using a keyfile other than the fact that sync with Google drive works. But what if sync with Google Drive stops working? We need a way to verify sync with the cloud is enabled. Be consistent! Enpass really needs to make a tutorial video showing how to set everything up and how to use autofill on websites. The current way is to force the "potential" user to dig, dig, dig, experiment, experiment, screw up, screw up, and then give up. It takes much perseverance to get everything working. I bet many, many people gave up on Enpass and went to another password manager that is easier to set up. As it is, it took me about a week of persistent Googling and experimenting, and I mean most of every day since I'm retired, to get Enpass working on 2 PCs and 1 phone. (Though I did try keepass when I had problems with Enpass during the week.) I plan to use Enpass if it keeps working (now that I think I know how to set it up), and I hope that the user base grows so that Enpass will be around forever. Make the tutorial video! Skylark
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