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  1. @Hui: Your solution did not work for me. @Mathias Brodala: That did the trick! Thanks.
  2. Hi @Vinod Kumar, setting up the Dropbox Sync is not working. I am using Linux Mint Cinammon 19 with Enpass 6.0.0 (230). When i try to set up the sync again, everything works perfectly to the 'xdg-open' attempt of the browser. Enpass does not retrieve the callback and is stuck waiting for the authentication. Terminal: ~$ xdg-open enpassauth://dropbox/ gio: enpassauth://dropbox/: Der angegebene Ort wird nicht unterstützt Translated to: The given location is not supported. Is there a way to update the 'protocol handlers'? (rebooted after the Enpass update) Please help.
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