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Andy Fore

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  1. I would like to report that changing the preferred biometric option to "Fingerprints" from "Face recognition" did indeed work. Looking forward to the update to switch this back. Thanks for you hard work on the app! Andy Fore
  2. I am running beta version on Android 9 Pie on a Note 10+ and with the latest beta release the fingerprint unlock will not work anymore. When I upgraded the app the unlock quit working. The option in settings was checked, but it no longer functioned. After unchecking the option, when checking again it no longer stays checked. I have tried reinstalling the app but that made no difference.
  3. I have successfully imported the complete vault from Lastpass several times. The process that seems to work best for me is to do the following: Export Vault from Lastpass Select all text and save as plaintext file with ".csv" extension Open file in Excel (or some other spreadsheet program, Google Docs, LibreOffice, etc.) Save file as CSV file from inside the spreadsheet software Import resulting file into Enpass using the Lastpass import type Every time I have done this I got a complete import of all the data.
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