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Found 9 results

  1. So I just purchased pro after a glowing review of Enpass that I read online. I have been using LastPass for at least eight years but I like the fact that Enpass stores passwords locally (and via your own cloud services). Well, I downloaded the CSV file from LastPass / export to my desktop. I open Enpass and continue to import but get the error message "Nothing to Import". I would greatly appreciate any help.
  2. Lastpass is severely restricting their services for free users next month. I'd like to use the same services that lastpass offers, including using via an extension, different profiles for work, and 2FA as well as automatically filling in credentials on my android phone and Windows 2 in 1 device. Lastpass has a lastpass authenticator and allows you to use the Microsoft authenticator app to have 2FA to login too. I'm prepared to pay for the lifetime fee for this from enpass if this isn't included in your free version. Please could someone advise if I could migrate from lastpass to enpass and keep the same functionality as the free version of lastpass? (correct as of 23rd February 2021) When I've asked support these questions, they don't actually answer my questions. I'm hoping that I get a response here. If I don't, then I'll just go elsewhere.
  3. Android 9 on Pixel. Two major issues made me regret purchasing Enpass since the issues are not new yet are not being resolved: 1. 9 out of 10 times in browsers, Enpass does not appear when I need to login on a website. When I test the same site with Lastpass, also using the Accessibility Service, it works. 2. When Enpass appears below a login field, it covers my keyboard and also the next field (password) making it impossible for me to logon. If Enpass does not have the credentials this means in such cases I am blocked from logging it completely and have to disable Enpass to continue. Fix: the notification should always appear above such fields (1 out of 2 times it does). Development team of Enpass, please confirm you are aware of these issues. When can we expect this to be solved?
  4. I've been using LastPass for years. I no longer like the web browser plugin interface. Before now, I had been able to export from LastPass to a .csv format. Now my export choice from LastPass is only in .html format. Perhaps Logmein, the new owners who have acquired LastPass want to prevent any defectors. I want to try Enpass, but it will only accept a .csv export from LastPass. From within Enpass I tried to import my LastPass .html export file using the Roboform .html import options (there are several Roboform .html import options), but that failed to import my LP .html file. I then opened the .html file with Microsoft Excel and saved it as a .csv file. This .csv file also failed to import into Enpass. In reading the Enpass user manual, I see that I can manually enter each website and corresponding password. I have over 250 password saved websites. Please help with any advise on automating my import procedure, before I embark on manually importing 280 websites and nearly 100 lines of secure notes.
  5. Hey all. Just switched from Lastpass, and so far I am really loving the speed and simplicity of Enpass! I imported all of my data, and didn't realize how "dirty" some of my lastpass URL's were. For example instead of saving att.com or even myattdx22.att.com, the following "domain" was saved by lastpass: http://myattdx22.att.com/commonLogin/igate_wam/multiLogin.do Do you folks have any suggestions on how to clean this up? I was thinking of exporting from Enpass (I have already done a bunch of manual cleaning) and then running through some sort of regex domain cleaner...but then again, I tend to over-complicate things
  6. Same as above , many importing probrem is reported. And I also have importing problem. I tested import from lastpass and 1password (I'm old lastpass user over 1000 logins and test 1password also), Enpass import most correctly. But my problem is Enpass deal all import items same one, it seem login item (has username or password of form information) and note item are same. And Enpass didn't deal category or folder. That is really problem for me and heavy users. My organized items messed up. So I can't migrate Enpass though I feel Enpass is good one for me. Actually, 1Password import Lastpass items perfectly, so I keep testing 1password for now. I hope Enpass have more better import features soon.
  7. Lastpass import isn't correct Tried to import my lastpass database into enpass but most of the passwords are wrong. It happens when I use special characters. Lastpass export is using character codes like & ( complete list http://rabbit.eng.miami.edu/info/htmlchars.html ) Enpass is not changing those characters codes back so I get wrong password. Is it possible to fix this problem soon?
  8. Import from Lastpass incomplete Hi, I imported about 600 records from Lastpass-CSV (also tried txt). Yes, I before saved the files using UNICODE. Unfortunately after checking the imported records, I found a lot of missing information. Especially the secure Notes are imported incomplete. Is this a known bug of enpass? The exported files from Lastpass are correct and there seems nothing wrong. I tried importing to keepass and there is no issue with secure notes / no lost information... But I really would love it, using enpass!!!! Can someone help me? Thank you in advance! tom
  9. So I made an account quickly to ask if the same thing also the issue with Enpass. Via Dutch website www.tweakers.net and on www.nu.nl newsarticles today have been published about Lastpass big privacy leaks. Apparently there were two and luckily Lastpass has fixed them both within a day, but is it the same with Enpass? Does the team even know about it and are they working on it to find out if the same is the case? Links here: https://tweakers.net/nieuws/114017/google-onderzoeker-vindt-op-afstand-te-gebruiken-lek-in-lastpass.html https://labs.detectify.com/2016/07/27/how-i-made-lastpass-give-me-all-your-passwords/ https://twitter.com/taviso I see that the Enpass extension in Opera, Chrome, Vivaldi and Firefox haven't been updated since mid and end of May 2016, so that worries me.
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