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  1. The browserextension for Opera needs an update for sure. It's been well over a year since it was last updated. It's a little buggy on Windows 10, since it opens up a new tab sometimes when you click on the extension instead of just opening up normally. But the thing that I'm worried most about are securityleaks since it's been far too long since the last update.
  2. Mine doesn't even sync after the first time anymore. It only syncs the first time I manually disconnect synchronizing from my Google Drive and then re-login, but after that it stops. I am running Hitman.Pro.Alert tho but I've tried disabling it and see if Enpass would sync, but it doesn't. Could it be a firewall issue?
  3. So I made an account quickly to ask if the same thing also the issue with Enpass. Via Dutch website www.tweakers.net and on www.nu.nl newsarticles today have been published about Lastpass big privacy leaks. Apparently there were two and luckily Lastpass has fixed them both within a day, but is it the same with Enpass? Does the team even know about it and are they working on it to find out if the same is the case? Links here: https://tweakers.net/nieuws/114017/google-onderzoeker-vindt-op-afstand-te-gebruiken-lek-in-lastpass.html https://labs.detectify.com/2016/07/27/how-i-made-lastpass-give-me-all-your-passwords/ https://twitter.com/taviso I see that the Enpass extension in Opera, Chrome, Vivaldi and Firefox haven't been updated since mid and end of May 2016, so that worries me.
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