When synchronising to Google Drive, Encompass requests for the following permissions:
1. View and manage the files in your Google Drive (https://developers.google.com/resources/api-libraries/documentation/appsactivity/v1/java/latest/com/google/api/services/appsactivity/AppsactivityScopes.html#DRIVE)
2. View and manage Google Drive files and folders that you have opened or created with this app
The permission I'm concerned about is request permissions #1 which, explained in Google's own words is:
-Upload, download, update, and delete files in your Google Drive -Create, access, update, and delete native Google documents in your Google Drive -Manage files and documents in your Google Drive (e.g., search, organize, and modify permissions and other metadata, such as title)
Other apps only request #2 if I'm not mistaken.
Please clarify.