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  1. Well, it's been 4 years since the request to expand template imports of other password managers with Enpass custom templates. Others also mentioned the need for a general/flexible import template. Will it become purchasable feature some time, when Enpass get closed for the new pricing models/Plans, just as many OS projects become proprietary software? Pity. Now using another PW-Manager that allows custom import templates.
  2. Looked at many of the various systems. Nothing completely professional in the wild. Am using KeePassXC now. Full import control Templates. Free and FOSS (Open-Source)
  3. Has the custom template import been finalised or dropped? I purchased Enpass for MacOS and Android. I can create and copy templates to expand as custom templates, but find no way to use them to import from previous Password Managers. On import, only the system templates can be used.
  4. OK, got an answer. It seems to not be on the feature list and roadmap any more - it was initiated in 2016, 3 years ago. I need a replacement for a very good Password Manager that will not be maintained any more; that is why a custom import template is necessary. Enpass is great for starting a new Database, but not usable for many other that need importing. Sadly, I used none of the listed databases under import, and the pre-formatted csv files are very restrictive. If only the custom templates could be exported as the pre-formatted CSV's, and then be imported with the custom templates. So, I will have to look elsewhere for import support; pity ... it seems so promising to have custom templates, but unfortunately no import possibilities with them. Ref.:
  5. Has the custom template import been finalised or dropped? I purchased Enpass for MacOS and Android. I can create and copy templates to expand as custom templates, but find no way to use them to import from previous Password Managers. If it is not available, I will have to use another PW-Manger instead. I have 3k of data sets to import in various categories and custom fields in the templates. Can't wait too long. On import, only the system templates can be used. :-(
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