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  1. Hello, a restart of my PC solved the issue, thank you for your response - Bernhard
  2. Hello, I did install the latest version of Enpass Windows (6.8.3 1155) and can't activate the Browser Extention. I can't enter the numbers into to the Popup of my Brave AND Edge Browser - Bernhard
  3. Since upgrading my Brave Browser on my Windows PC to Version 1.21.73 Chromium: 89.0.4389.72 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit), the Browserextension doesn't work. Enpass is up to date Version 6.6.0.(775) - Bernhard
  4. I do have the same issue, on my MacBook with BigSur 11.2 and Enpass 6.5.2 :-( - Bernhard
  5. Hello, I'm running out of patience, here! I can't work like this, how long will it take to fix this terrible Bug? - Bernhard
  6. Same Environment and Problem here as Jamhunt :-(
  7. Hello, thank you for the fast reply. I will try this next time I have to login again.
  8. Hello, I have to Authentificate my iCloud Sync every Day on all Devices? Not Practicable!!! - Bernhard
  9. Hi, I'm syncing with 3 devices without problems on the 4th device I get all passwords but at the next sync it hangs with the error 908413 "someting went wrong with the sync..." - Bernhard
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