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Coffinwood last won the day on July 24 2023

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  1. Hi, I've got the same problem. Enpass won't open URLs (including re-authenticating iCloud for sync, for example) when an other browser than Edge is the system standard. To open any URL from within Enpass, I have to set MS Edge as standard browser in the system settings. I'm currently using: Enpass 6.4.0 Windows 10 V1909 Vivaldi 2.11
  2. Hi, I'm using Enpass on Windows 10 (latest updates), my default browser is Vivaldi (with the Enpass extension installed). From time to time the iCloud authorisation runs out (due to time limitation?) and has to be renewed. This doesn't work for me, when I just do the un-sync / re-sync thing. The app gets stuck with a loading animation. Then I remembered that the sync button is supposed to open a website in the default browser. I switched from Vivaldi back to Edge and it worked. After that I can switch back and everything's fine. Is this a bug?
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