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  1. As I said, it doesnt look like that, not in my cellphone, not on my PC screen (Chrome). No such menu. Top left I have the three lines, but no print option to find there. To the right of the three lines the word "Taggar" (Tags, I guess). Nothing more. I have OnePass version, Android.
  2. There is no menu top right hand corner. There is a menu to the left, but nothing there similar to "<file<print" etc. I tried both on the PC and on the cellphone, Android. Besides, my version is in Swedish, although I probably can figure that out...
  3. How do I save my passwords in another format, say Excel or Word, and/or make a printout?
  4. It got solved. It seems to be a bug in Enpass. There was no shortage of space. The reason was that I had changed password for Onedrive.
  5. I get the message that I have reached the maxium storage quota. What to do? I have 297 objects/passwords saved.
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