@Pratyush „will destroy the experience of the entire enpass platform and make it too hard to use and you will loose a lot of customers“
Actually, having the option to change the behavior to the one that each user individually wants is called customizing. Which is something desirable as it improves the experience and this makes the app easier to use. After all: who are we as developers to decide what the user has to want? And btw. I seriously doubt that another option in the settings to change some default behavior will make somebody not want to use an app.
„is the way it should work as the users want it ... not the way Microsoft intended it in 1995“
That is a bold claim as I would have expected you to provide evidence that most of the users really want that behavior. Whereas I am pretty sure that Microsoft did that research in before pushing a standard to thousands of customers. And even if the majority of users do not expect the same things as in 1995 anymore: still holds customizability. A user always knows what he/she wants better than any developer could possibly foresee. That’s why we have settings after all.
„I dont think there was enough research and maturity in 1995 on how the windows and applications should work“
again. What a claim, given a companies huge revenue was severely influenced by that decision. But let’s say that indeed MS did the wrong decision here. Than upholds compatibility. Having nearly EVERY app in the ecosystem behave one way, the user gets used to it (even if they don’t like it) and by so they expect the entire ecosystem to behave the usual way. Doing not so at least needs a user visible explanation and an option to return to STANDARD if at all possible. Because even if the standard is not absolutely perfect in any circumstances, it is a standard. Common ground so to speak. And adhering to it makes the world work better together. And ultimately: compatibility. And if one doesn’t like it: customizability.
„People needed to close the apps because the ram was a few mb in 1995 .. not anymore.. the close button does not make any sense in 2020.“
Not so fast. Maybe back then that actually was the reason. Nonetheless it is not the only one. Me for example just REALLY do not like having many windows open. Despite the fact that my machine has plenty of RAM to do so. And secondly a close button makes indeed sense for me as it accelerates my workflow when needing passwords rarely but wandering off my desktop regularly. Because of that, I want the app to completely shut down and lock to not have any coworker passing by and potentially mess with my passwords while I take a coffee. (Yes I know that you may not like that workflow and are sure that clearly there would be a better one. But again: you cannot force people act anything different than before your app/hints/anything. So sticking to „Our way is clearly better. Go change your expectations“ is just not helpful.)
„The system must match the user's mental model and what makes sense, not the way an old system made a judgement call without leaving any room for improvement.“
Ahh now we are getting close. So now imagine Enpass as this old System. The user now wants to improve their workflow and is hindered by your judgement call about „our way is the best. No need to adjust it in real life, because we know what’s best for you without being in your situation“. See?
Yes the system must match the users expectations. And BECAUSE of that (and because each human and each use case is different) any system needs to be adjustable.
Concluding. The only right thing to do is include a settings option to let the user decide. You may stick to the current behavior as the default if you feel like that is best. But please do not try to be more clever than your customers. After all: that could truly be a reason why they may leave.