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  1. This problem is not a fresh one But today, impossible to sync anything from my nextcloud nor google drive .... seems everything is broken
  2. I just have access to the computer right now, after an update, Enpass start correctly Thanks for fixing the bug
  3. I used enpass for years now, on win10, debian, ubuntu, Fedora, Pro app on android ect, and that my first real fail with it I just make a fresh install on laptop and install enpass after add repo, as usual, but, if i try to lauch from gui, nothing happen, from terminal : parcell@parcell:~$ enpass La commande « enpass » n'a pas été trouvée, mais peut être installée avec : sudo snap install enpass parcell@parcell:~$ sudo enpass sudo: enpass : commande introuvable parcell@parcell:~$ I really don't know what to do right now because nothing happen That's work fine on another laptop, same model, same ubuntu version. (already try to remove and reinstall, reboot, try the snap package but this is an old version) Open to any suggestion :)
  4. After save the most recent data, delete all data of all of my device, delete the folder on my nextcloud Import saved data on a first device and sync it After, resync all device, all is fine now Thanks for your time.
  5. Since some sdays (maybe 2 weeks) all of my device can't sync with my nextcloud I don't change anything i buy the app on android and all is working perfect before I try to reinstall on some device, the result is now all my data is disappears all my other app which need to connect my cloud work fine What is this error : 907978? Thanks by advance
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