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Posts posted by Vibsi

  1. 2 minutes ago, AnEnpassUser said:

    I'm also having this problem.  Clean install of Windows 11 on an AMD 7950x.  Worked fine on my previous PC with an Intel i7-7700k.

    It's working with intel TPMs. I have an intel core m3 7th gen, which is working and and two AMD Ryzens, which are not working. I lost hope, that Enpass is ever gonna address this issue. They collect the money and that's that. Very sad to see. 

  2. On 6/2/2022 at 9:11 AM, michacassola said:

    Exact same problem here. This needs to have been fixed immediately, you can only focus on other things after the very basic and important things work!

    I lost hope, that this will ever be fixed. They have all the details for months and they don't bother to fix it. It's not bringing any new money and fixing such bugs costs a lot of time. Ultimately we can choose to stay with the product with all it's known flaws or move on. Sad but true.

  3. On 2/18/2022 at 9:50 PM, Shiven said:

    Same problem here, after reboot Windows Hello doesn't work and the master password is required.

    TpmPresent                : True
    TpmReady                  : True
    TpmEnabled                : True
    TpmActivated              : True
    TpmOwned                  : True
    RestartPending            : True
    ManufacturerId            : 1095582720
    ManufacturerIdTxt         : AMD
    ManufacturerVersion       :
    ManufacturerVersionFull20 :


    I can confirm, that I have exactly the same setup:
    (Language is German, but everything else is the same)

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-tpm

    TpmPresent                : True
    TpmReady                  : True
    TpmEnabled                : True
    TpmActivated              : True
    TpmOwned                  : True
    RestartPending            : False
    ManufacturerId            : 1095582720
    ManufacturerIdTxt         : AMD
    ManufacturerVersion       :
    ManufacturerVersionFull20 :




    I'm very disappointed, that there is no reaction from Enpass! I gladly pay the yearly fee, because I really like the tool, but this is very annoying.

    Please have a look at this problem and give us a feedback, why it isn't working and when it will be fixed!

    Best regards


  4. I really don't know. It has nothing to do with archiving, since most of the missing attachments weren't stored with archived entries. Maybe it was reinstalling Enpass and vault synchronizing a couple of times on different devices? Since I could restore it from an old backup I didn't do much research about the cause. I 

    I just learned and mentioned, that you can export all entries to JSON (archived and not archived), but if you import the JSON data again, everything is in the current view and nothing is archived any more.


  5. Ok, it took me a while but I managed to restore everything.

    I took these steps:

    1. Found an old backup file an restored the attachments as files

    2. Exported the whole default vault as a JSON file

    3. Deleted Enpass from every device and from Google Drive

    4. Deleted Enpass App Data directly from Google drive and disconnected Enpass

    5. Imported the default vault from the JSON export

    6. Connected and synchronized Google Drive again

    7. Connected all devices again


    Everything seems to work again, including the newly inserted attachments.

    What I learned:

    - The JSON Export can also export archived entries, but if you restore everything they are not archived any longer.

    I hope I can help people with similar problems.


    Best regards


  6. Hello,

    I'm a long time satisfied Enpass user. But today I discovered something very frightening. I cannot display or save any of my attachments. I have six attachments inside my vault and none of them are usable any more! I use Enpass on Windows 10 (latest store version 6.3.3 (596)), Android (latest Play Store version 6.3.4 (298)) and iOs (latest version, device not at hand to check).

    The desktop and Android version display the same error message: "Attachment Not Found. To download the attachment, please synchronize your vault with the same cloud account used to restore the data"

    The attachments are different, PDF, TXT and JPG files. None of them work any more. I synchronize my fault via Google Drive.

    I'm very worried, since I stored this files for security reasons only inside Enpass. Please help me.

    Best regards


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