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  1. Hello dear Community, Now I want to hear from you, where you save your Passwordfiles on the Computer? I had a pretty obvious file, where you could assume that it would be there. Which is pretty dumb obviously. Still I'm not sure which way would be smarter. Put in an any "random" file where no one would suspect it? Oder put in a file with countless other files inside? Do you get what I mean? I'm sorry, if my english is bad .. Best Regards
  2. Hello! I would like to know if there is an 2FA-Option additionally to the Master-Password when I open my Passwortmanager? Of course I hope, that nobody cracks my Master-Password. However "better safe than sorry" ... since 2FA is an important security-feature, I wonder why this option to add an 2FA (and I don't mean the Logins for my inside-Password) is not available yet? Or did I miss it? Thanks for your answer in advance. Best Regards
  3. Thank you so much! It worked! And I'm looking forward to this feature. Again - lots of thanks! (:
  4. Hello! I've purchased EnPass a while ago (mobile and desktop-version). I would like to import my passwort from the desktop also to my mobile.-enpass-version. But apparently it is only possible with cloud sync? I just don't feel really comfortable with cloud sync. Could EnPass maybe work on a feature that support the "import-feature" also on mobile (iOS) and not only for desktop? Best Regards
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