On which device (along with OS version) are you using Enpass? WINDOWS 10 PC, version 1903
Which Enpass and Enpass extension version are you using? Enpass version 6.4.1 (642), browser extension for chrome version 6.4.0
Which Chrome version are you using? Chrome Version 81.0.4044.129
Are you facing the same problem with other browsers too? No, Edge, Vivaldi, Opera work fine.
Are you using any Antivirus or third-party security-related extension? Sophos free antivirus
Also, let us know the error you getting? Well, I use it in Dutch version, so the exact error is "Verbindingsfout! swi_fc.exe voorkomt dat de Enpass-extensie verbinding maakt met de Enpass-app.", roughly translated to: Connection error! swi_fc.exe is preventing the Enpass extension to connect to the Enpass app.
I already tried the solution described at "https://www.enpass.io/support/kb/security/enpass-browser-extension-is-not-working-due-to-sophos-antivirus/".
The local adress is excluded in any possible way, but I still get the error. Furthermore, this doesn't make sense, as other browsers (Opera, Vivaldi) have no problem. I understand Edge works differently, but Opera and Vivaldi work the same as Chrome I believe?
Please advise @Garima Singh .