I have been using Enpass for 18 months without any problem. This afternoon, the Enpass extension of Firefox refuses to recognize my main password to unlock the software (I typed the psw for verification in Word: no problem with the keyboard). I'm starting to get scared because the Desktop application also refuses it and after restarting the PC offers me a new different screen as if I were a new user. Fortunately, as an already known user, I was able to start again from an automatic backup that dates back 3 days. It does not matter, I have recovered access with my main password and my data. But what happened? Temporary bug, hacking .... do I have to change my passwords (the main one of EnPass, all the others?). After several connections attempts, is it normal for EnPass to ask you to restart from an automatic backup from the PC Backup folder? For your information, the only process not usual today was to install and execute Malwarebytes on my PC Thank you for your reply