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Everything posted by nofreebeats

  1. Ever since you implemented OneDrive for business you have broken access to personal OneDrive sync. It works for a couple days max after implementing your “fixes” and then asks for your sync password and won’t accept any and then stops syncing again. This has been going on for months!!!! The devs generic copy paste response to this problem is unacceptable. The problem is on your end!! Think about how ridiculous this is. When you set up OneDrive sync, Microsoft recognizes your device and doesn’t even ask for your password, you don’t set up a password for the sync when you initially sync. A day or so goes by and Enpass stops syncing and says “Sync error. Password on data on OneDrive required“ but it won’t accept your OneDrive password or your Enpass password or any password you’ve used for anything your entire life. Your “fixes” might “fix” this so a day or so and people come back here and say “it’s working now” but a couple days later it will stop syncing and ask for the data password again. It’s almost as if you didn’t fully roll out the system in the app. The old way was to set up a data password when you initiated the sync, the new way is to connect directly to the one drive website. Why when the sync breaks inevitably for no reason does it revert to the old system of asking for the password of the data? There is no password! The password now is API connection to OneDrive directly! Your not going to find this answer in customer logs, obviously you’ve been looking for months and are still scratching your heads. The problem is bad design and implementation on YOUR END!
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