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  1. Hi @Manish Chokwal, Thank you. I can wait, just let me know once that team has come to a solution, if that is all right with you.
  2. Hi, since your large update of the browser extension (which, generally speaking, I like) I have been unable to edit the signature in Roundcube, the cursor always jumps back to the name field. I only draw the connection recently. Roundcube is an essential tool on many a website. Would you please work on your plugin to stop it interfering with Roundcube? It is very inconvenient to always either switch off the Enpass plugin or to have to go to an incognito window or another browser every time I want to edit a signature. Thanks! Edit: I am using the skin "Elastic" in Roundcube.
  3. That may well be. But voluntarily submitting yourself to the laws of a country that has not hesitated to spy on the leaders of govenments which were supposed to be friends, a country were people can be obliged not to talk about what three lettered agencies demand, a country that does not hesitate to even try to undermine end to end encryption as for example curently with the Earn it Act (though another field, yet an example of the radicality of intention to underimien privacy severely), how can you honestly say that as a US company you would not face the danger of being forced to include back doors one day or undermining security in another way (and be silent about it)? One also wonders why a company that deals in privacy chooses, out of all possible countries, the U. S. There is Iceland, there are various EU countries with comparatively strong privacy laws and ethics. There is even Switzerland. A company that is about privacy and takes that seriously should let this reflect in all their actions. Why such a company would even consider moving to the U.S. in their current state is simply beyond me.
  4. Legal changes in corporate entity : The significant changes are in the name of the entity, governing law and principal place of business from India to the USA. The controlling entity is changed from Sinew Software Systems to Enpass Technologies Inc. Hello, It is absolutely awful that you have changed the principal business place to the U. S. I - and I am sure many others - have consciously sought out a password manager which is NOT based in the U. S. as we all know that privacy is not much worth there. It has not been since years, whatever party was in government. By going to the U. S., you are making yourself subject to all kinds of measures against the security of your users, about which you may then even not be allowed to talk. This is the more valid, as Enpass is not even open source. How can we ever trust that you are not forced to (or just will) install back doors? It is very sad, but together with my loss of trust in you because of the recent incidents after the Windows-Store version (which I will consider an early warning now, a sign so to speak), now I know I will have to look for an alternative once more. Best regards from a perhaps soon-to--be user. The world is big. There are a lot more privacy friendly countries. Please let us know - how could you not pick them instead?
  5. To anyone who should happen to encounter this thread, looking for a solution: Restore your data you may want to follow the advice Irmalsfot has given here.
  6. @ Irmalsfot Thank you very much for your contribution from Saturday. Support, which I contacted with the same problem did not give me the solution so far, but you have! I will be using the desktop version from now on. Also, my user on Windows 10 also has an accent aigu...
  7. Ok. Then I will expect your response by email.
  8. I already addressed the first two questions above (addition: Version 1909 of Windows 10 Home) No, I am not able to access up-to-date Enpass data on another device. No, I have not synced data with the cloud. I have already described the actions. A screenshot will reveal nothing beyond what I already said.
  9. Hi, I am not sure what happened right now, but when I wanted to use Enpass today, there seemed to be a freshly installed (auto-installed?) version, and it requested me to tell it the location for the Backupdata. However, in the location where I believe to have stored the backup data, all back-up-data since I first installed Enpass on this new computer seem to be gone. I cannot find them. I find the Enpass backup-folder where I very probably put it (in Documents / Enpass). While I cannot exclude not to have set any option for regular backups, I very very much doubt that. And it has never happened before that Enpass suddenly aks me whether I am a new user or have a backup somehwere? My system is Windows 10 (still before the various May updates). The Enpass version newly installed on my computer is . Enpass version: I have no idea, because when I try to use an older backup (from March, which was left untouched by the problem, I get an "internal error -995). So I cannot even use Enpass with older backups? What is happening? 1. What did happen there? 2. Do I have any chances to retrieve my more recent backup data? Or is everything from the last two months lost? That would be.... problematic.... Best regards, A.
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