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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I have an Arch/AntergOS Linux that I installed yesterday and when I try to start enpass I get this error : fish: 'enpass' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Adressbereichsfehler) fish: 'enpass' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (address range error) I don't know why. Someone any ideas? How can I troubleshoot such an error? Regards, Rinma
  2. xakraz

    SystemTray issue

    Hi there, I use Enpass 5.5.6 on Arch linux with i3 (as the main window manager) and XFCE applets and I have the following issues: When I activate the system tray and autostart options, the next time I start the computer the system tray icon is not show (I have to manually uncheck and check it again). Environment: AntergOS (Arch) i3 version 4.13 Enpass 5.5.6 exec --no-startup-id exec /opt/Enpass/bin/runenpass.sh startWithTray Any idea why? Thanks in advance.
  3. When enpass desktop app is running under gnome, there is about 90 seconds of waiting before logout / shutdown dialog is shown... when i close enpass before clicking shutdown in gnome there is no additional waiting.
  4. With Enpass 5.2 the browser extension stopped working (at least on chrome, don't know about FF or others as I don't use them) What I tried so far: 1. Reinstall the extension 2. Disable / Enable the browser extension support within Enpass -> Tools -> Settings What I discovered: Looking at the background.html of the extension while browser support is enabled all I see is Uncaught Error: Malformed UTF-8 data (That's fine as I have that on windows too and the extension works just fine). As soon as I disable browser support within Enpass, the js console screams errors about not being able to connect to the socket. This means, while browser support is enabled, the extension CAN connect to the Enpass socket (right?). Also, clicking the extension does NOT show the Enpass is not running page. Just nothing happens at all. Even the js console doesn't print/log anything.
  5. I'm having issues with the extension in Chromium. The ctrl + \ keyboard shortcut works, but I don't get the popup when I click on the browser action icon. If I'm logged out of Enpass I have to go over to the app and log in that way. So, login is all I can do really, can't generate new passwords and it doesn't prompt me to save new logins. I'm pretty sure it worked on Chromium 50 earlier so the only change the last couple of days is that I updated Enpass to 5.2.
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