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Found 3 results

  1. My bank has started using 'Verified by Visa' (VbV) as an additional security measure. A different password is required for each financial organisation using VbV. As a workaround, I have created a separate record in Enpass, titled 'Verified by Visa - [bankname]'. I have then generated a password specific to VbV and [bankname] within that record. Ideally, I would be able to generate a bank login password and a separate VbV password in two separate fields, within the same Enpass record. In general, there may be other reasons for having more than one password generated for a given Enpass record or organisation. Please amend Enpass to allow this.
  2. Hi My banking app Outbank has been updated yesterday. Before that, I could easily use Enpass to fill in the passwords into the pop up windows for the respective accounts. After yesterday‘s update, that does not work anymore. That gray bar with the key lock symbol, that became visible right above the keyboard, when Outbank asked for the account passwords, does not come up anymore. So to me it looks like that Enpass does not “see” anymore, that entering a password is required by the app. Can anyone imagine, what might have happened and how to restore that communication? One hint maybe, that I configured Enpass by entering the URL outbank.io into each accounts password information - I figured, that this is the URL of the app. Not sure, though, whether this has anything to do with it, but I thought, I should at least mention this configuration detail. if course, I contacted the developer as well. thanks or the help!
  3. In EU we didn't use "Kontonummer" and "Bankleitzahl (BLZ)" anymore. Now use IBAN (already there) and BIC code, please put in the BIC code field to the bank accounts. Thanks.
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