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Found 1 result

  1. Enpass currently works well with the standard TOTP implementation of a numeric, 30 second interval TOTP code which makes it possible to use most services that offer this sort of authentication. Due to it supporting custom digits, it not only works with the standard 6-digit, but also with some different ones like Blizzard's 8-digit authenticator (which I use just fine with Enpass). What Enpass still lacks in this regard is support for custom time interval and also Steam's 5-digit alphanumeric standard. I, for instance, have to use another authenticator for services like 'Twitch' and 'Mercado Livre' which use 7-digit 10-second TOTP codes (which I believe is Authy's own standard) and Steam (I believe Bitwarden is the only one that currently offers working TOTP for all of these). I know there's currently a thread which is a little over 4 months old about Steam's TOTP, but I couldn't find anything regarding custom time intervals in the feature request so I figured I should post it and hope it gets done sometime in the future
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