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Found 1 result

  1. Hi all, Been using Enpass for the past several years now, and I've even introduced it to my organization as a better means for managing shared credentials via Teams. One thing I like about it is that it allows the creation of Custom Templates for the creation of new credentials in various pre-defined/custom categories, one of which I've showcased below: However this feature tends to get overlooked/forgotten, as those templates are not available for the automatic creation of new credential entries from website; only the Login category "Default" template is used for those new logins, which tends to defeat the use of those custom templates. That "Default" template is lacks entries that I tend to keep track of as a standard for any new accoutns, and isn't organized the way I like, hence why I created the "Modern Default" template as pictured above. Please could you provide an option in the Enpass vault settings to set a different template as the default for new credentials added to that vault? This way, the pre-defined/custom template can also be saved to the vault file, making it readily-available wherever the vault is synced to, especially handy for various teams in organizations. Thanks in advance.
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