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Found 3 results

  1. Sometime in the past few months, something changed. Where the iOS or Edge/Chrome extensions used to work correctly, they now fill in the username/user ID field in a login form with the email address saved in the enPass item rather than the data stored in the username field. What is even stranger is this: on iOS, it will prompt with “password for xxxxx.com” and show the correct username, but when selected, it will still fill the stored email address in rather than the user name. This is becoming increasingly frustrating, and in at least one case, caused me to lock myself out of an account before I realized what was occurring. A real example from today: online.citi.com. Please investigate and advise.
  2. When I click on an email field, enpass shows a list of all the emails I have added to enpass since I started using it. Most of the emails shown are removed from enpass and some of them are deleted. I had a number of unwanted emails on that suggestion list. It's a little bit annoying. Can you suggest a way to update the email suggestion list? I've tried reinstalling the desktop app. But nothing has changed. Installed from: Microsoft Store. Version: 6.82.1084.0 OS: Windows 11 64bit
  3. Hi. Since I'm using the same email for almost every account I thought it would be useful if Enpass proposes me to set that mail for this account. So what I mean by that is that when you manually create new login credentials that Enpass will propose you to use your e-mail you've been using the most or maybe that you could set an email address to use for auto-fill in. Let me know what you think about it. I know it's not that bad to type the email in every time but it would be easier with that feature.
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