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Found 2 results

  1. There are two ways to code Face ID on Android. One that requires you to press the confirm button after the face recognition process and one that doesn't. The extra confirm button press doesn't add any additional security. I wish Enpass would switch to the one that just unlocked when it saw your face. I have uploaded an example of the Experian app that used the one that doesn't require a confirm button press.
  2. Hello, I used 1password before and i am a little disappointed now. I often use the password manager to log in to websites or apps. I can use the enpass extension here but always have to enter the master password. Touch ID or Face ID only work in the main app but not in the extension. This was much more comfortable with 1password. Is an update planned for the near future? Otherwise I will quickly cancel my purchase at Apple to get the refund and stay at 1password.
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