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Found 3 results

  1. Hey Team! I found a small misteak in german translated android version. You translated the "sort fields" option with "felder entfernen" which means to delete the fields. Just change the translation to "Felder neu anordnen" or even closer to the english version "Felder sortieren". Cheers!
  2. Hi there, I just downloaded the portable windows version, but I assume, the findings can be found in other version as well. 1. in the passwordgenerator you can select the seperator when using speakable passwords. In german language, the dot (.) is translated with "Zeitraum". Even if the english word "period" means both when translated in german, it means "period of time". So you go better with "Punkt", which is the punctuation. 2. In the "New entry" dialog, you can select TOTP as new field. If doing so by error and deleting that field later on, you can never reenable the field. It is no longer available in the dropdown or in the curstom field selection. 3. Another translation error can be found in the "New Entry" dialog. You can "Save" (-> "Speichern") or "Cancel" (->"Abbrechen"). Both buttons remain in english where as the rest is translated. 4. By default, besides folders, which contains subfolders, there is a little triangle to expand the list. When I click to create a new entry, that symbol change to a + or - (depending on whether it is collapsed or expanded), which is much more uglier (See attached picture). This remains until Enpass is restarted. Lock/Unlock does not work. 5. In the section "Control password", the subitem "Duplicate" would better be "Duplikate" in the german translation, which is the noun of the current "duplizieren" (duplicate in english). If I will find anything more, I will add it to this post
  3. Hi Enpass-Team, I have already written you some time ago on localization@enpass.io, that I would help to improve the German translation. Yesterday I was doing something in the setting on iOS and I found out, that there are some translation errors, which I would help to correct. Please inform me, how I can help. Cheers, edenhaus
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