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Found 3 results

  1. Hi i have a strange behaviour of Enpass. I have a brand new Fedora32 install. Enpass configured so far so good. So i check: autostart on login feature. Next time when i logged in after reboot i got just black screen nothing happens. So after figure out some stuff i deleted step after step all autostart apps and gotcha after i deleted Enpass from autostart login is possible. After login i can start Enpass no Problem but just when i let Enpass start automatically black screen. I use Fedora32 with Appindicator extension. Nothing really special i think. Any ideas what causes this issue?
  2. Gnome in version 3.26 removes legacy system try. From this time the system try icon of enpass isn't visible in any way. If I use topicons plus extension or appindicator extension to gnome shell it isn't visible too.
  3. When enpass desktop app is running under gnome, there is about 90 seconds of waiting before logout / shutdown dialog is shown... when i close enpass before clicking shutdown in gnome there is no additional waiting.
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