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Found 4 results

  1. I have a Problem with Enpass 6.5.2 (726) and the Browser Extension 6.5.1 running in Firefox 83. I cannot get the extension authenticated to the Enpass App. The Extension Log reads: Safari and Edge Working without any Problems. My OS is macOS 10.15.7
  2. when I start Enpass and turn TouchID on. For first login it will allow me to use TouchID but then it deactivate itself and when enpass is locked again I have to repeate masterpassword. Could you please fix this issue? Enpass Beta 6.3.2 (599) MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 thanks
  3. I am using macOS Mojave 10.14.5 When importing from 1Password Version 6.8.9 (689001) to Enpass 6.1.1 (471) the "Last Modified:" and "Created :" fields are filled in with the time of the import. Expected behavior would the the time the field was last modified and created.
  4. Hello, I noticed that when I use keyboard shortcut or click on Enpass extension icon in Chrome then after choosing login its details are filled in in the page's form but Chrome focus is lost and I have to click the browser window in order to be able to submit login using keyboard. I found the issue has been reported previously and reportedly fixed but it stills occurs on my machine. Best regards, Piotr
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