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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I am relatively new to Enpass, I noticed, that after reboot, I can use the PIN to access my fault. How can this be secure? This means that the Masterpassword is stored locally on the flash memory. This and the fact, that there have never been an security audit for iOS really worries me. Can someone explain to me, how this might possibly secure? I have a feeling, that the reason, why there is no security audit is, that they know, that there is no way there application passes the audit.
  2. So here's what happened: I wanted to change my master password to something, I could actually remember. Turns out I already forgot it... So I thought to myself, no problem you can just use your fingerprint to reset the master password and then choose a new one. BUT you can't!:( Since I've been using my fingerprint to unlock enpass forever now, it made me actually forget my master password. I'd prefer the option to reset your master password using your fingerprint. I really like this app and would enjoy it even more, if you could integrate this as a feature.
  3. Hi Is it possible to unlock the enpass Mac Desktop version automatically without typing the master password or PIN code with one of this methods? a) When my smartphone is nearby (based on GPS or present in the same WIFI or similar)? And automatic locking when the smartphone is out of range? or b) No typing of master password needed when a USB stick with a keyfile or similar is present on the machine? Otherwise I think I could move this post to the feature request section? Cheers Simon
  4. Hello! I have installed Enpass (enpass_5.2.1_amd64.deb) on Debian Linux. I need to reset the Masterpassword, and I followed the instructions to do a complete uninstall and after that reinstall Enpass. However, after starting Enpass I need to enter the Masterpassword that is incorrect. Question: How can I reset Masterpassword on LInux? THX
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