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Found 1 result

  1. It would be nice to be able to create, change, edit the Types / Category Templates in Enpass. Currently I use mSecure, but am looking to make a switch. I really like that mSecure is more like a custom secure database builder than just a secure password saver, and I think Enpass has the potential to be better than mSecure, but being able to edit the Types / Category Templates is one thing Enpass desperately needs. I know you can add fields to each item when you create them, but I'd really like to set custom templates for items to use and get rid of the ones I don't want. Currently I have over 2000 items in mSecure, most of which use custom item templates. I would like to use Enpass to do the same. Unfortunately mSecure has become over-priced when using multiple platforms, and currently utilizes over 90% CPU usage in macOS 10.12 Sierra when sitting idle. I think it might also be lacking in support.
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