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bu11etpr00f last won the day on September 12 2023

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  1. Just wanted to add: that even just adding a Setting Toggle for Users to be able to choose the Default Sort would be Awesome!
  2. +1 for being able to see all Items without Tags! I think this has been recommended several times before as well. Here's another request for this from 2020.
  3. I would like to point out that this is a NEW Feature, it has not been present in the App EVER until recently. It totally messes with my process. IMHO any "major change" to Function should have a Settings Toggle to Disable the Feature in Settings. It is the one thing that Frustrates me every day!!! Still an issue in 6.9.5 (1640) Please add a Settings Toggle to Disable this "Feature" in Settings! Thanks!
  4. Exactly this. There should definitely be a way to see the Category an Item belongs to on the Item itself, and there should be a way to see all Items "Not belonging to any Category". This is partially why I have created a Field in Each Item specifically for Categories as a work around. I have also created several Categories that aren't so Generic (like Password is) to make Searching for them, and listing them easier. e.g. "WebLogin". You could also use Sub-Categories. e.g. "Category:WebLogin". It's not ideal, but it will help until a fix is implemented. This will not address "uncategorized" Items though. That's still an issue.
  5. Thanks for the update! You lost me on the "previous thread"... This is the only thread opened by me for this specific Linux Desktop issue... I didn't see that anyone opened any similar thread... did I miss something?
  6. The assumed "default" sort of iOS has NOTHING to do with this request. This is strictly up to the Developer. There are lots and LOTS of iOS Apps who sort data lists from Symbol to # to Z. The sort for Enpass should be uniform across all platforms. It should also be: Symbol to # to Z. I would also add that Apple's idea of a "default" sort is actually by date created / purchased / etc. Just look at your App Store Purchases... total mess.
  7. This is something that has been driving me a bit crazy since the beginning. I add Special Characters to the Titles of Items I want to Display above everything else in the List. This works as expected on Enpass Desktop, but on Enpass Mobile the Default Sort puts Special Characters at the Bottom instead. Please make it so that the Default Sort Lists Special Characters First before anything else. Thanks!
  8. Specifically when an item has a + as the first Character. They are not listed at the top like they should be. They are not even listed together. There are some just in the middle of Alphabetical Sections in random places. The list headings show A, +, A, +, A, B, +, B, C, +, C, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, +, D, E, F, + ... etc. I will say that the + Items appear to be in alphabetical order with what follows after the +. e.g. DNS + DNS but all the + items are not together if the following word is the same. e.g. DNS DNS + DNS DNS + DNS This is only happening on Linux, and not on Windows, and not on macOS. Please fix this, thanks
  9. I'm wondering if they are even still here... The last post by any enpass team member was back on January 23rd, and November 2023 before that... Not good for business...
  10. Clicking on "All Items" after looking at a single Item sticks to the single Item, and does not Reset the View to the Top of All Items This is driving me crazy, and I can't find a way to disable it! When I click on "All Items" or any Tag, I want to see the list of everything, as I have it sorted, From the Top. NOT from the last Item I had selected. Please change it back to the way it was, or add an option to select to change it back to the way it was. Thanks!
  11. I'm not sure where the problem lies, I use Enpass for iOS, macOS, Windows, & Nix. After updating to the latest release, I noticed several previously tagged items were suddenly now MISSING their tags. It has been driving me crazy! I just keep re-tagging items, and then other items loose their tags. Seems completely random, and is extremely frustrating! Also, normal editing / switching between items now seems EXTREMELY SLOW! SLOWNESS issues are the same on both Windows and macOS. I'm ready to roll back...
  12. Possible solution as I posted here: ##################################################################### >> CONFIRMED WORK AROUND: DISABLE: "Show Inline Autofill Popup Menu" Setting in Enpass Browser Extension Settings: chrome-extension://kmcfomidfpdkfieipokbalgegidffkal/pages/settings/option.html ####################################################################
  13. Possible solution as I posted here: ##################################################################### >> CONFIRMED WORK AROUND: DISABLE: "Show Inline Autofill Popup Menu" Setting in Enpass Browser Extension Settings: chrome-extension://kmcfomidfpdkfieipokbalgegidffkal/pages/settings/option.html ####################################################################
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