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Found 1 result

  1. Hi, I share my enpass vault with a family member. Up till now we used Enpass on Windows. Enpass is backed up to my Google Drive account. I developed a solution that allows us to share the updated Enpass vault. We purchased Enpass for Android Pro (two accounts). I had not problem linking my Enpass to my Google Drive vault but seem unable to figure out a solution to do it for the other account without having to install my google account on my family member's device. Performing this function potentially enables all google services (calendar, gmail, contacts, etc) and I would like to avoid this. Has anyone figured out a workable solution. I would like to have the following: Two way updates of the Enpass vault from Windows / Android Ability to share the vault with family members (who use Windows and Android devices) allowing them to also have two way updates with me. Retain the backup feature of Enpass that works well (wish I could specify how many backups to keep but that is low priority) I have no issue moving to another cloud storage provider. Thanks and happy holidays.
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