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Found 2 results

  1. I did some work on structuring my list/logins, so I copied many passwords briefly and pasted them into additional entries. I did not delete the old entries but changed them because I had put together a few logins, which I now wanted to have listed separately. Now under the category "Identical passwords" they are now listed although I deleted the passwords after I copied them. Can I update the list of the password check or are the passwords somehow cached even though I deleted them?
  2. Hi, I have Enpass set to clear the clipboard every 30s (default). When updating the password for a site I sometimes encounter a situation in which the generated password is not accepted. Reasons could be that certain characters are not acceptable or there is a password length mismatch. Can Enpass retain the original password until the user confirms that the old password has been replaced. This function can also be useful to retain a password history function. Hope this helps
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