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Found 5 results

  1. Over the course of > 10 years, I now have more than 10 old passwords for many login items (right mouse click on password field, history) that are never used anymore but still use storage. To keep the vault as small and tidy as possible for fast syncing (vault is now 2.4MB), I would like to see an option to quickly delete old and unused passwords. It is possible to delete the password field and recreate the field by copying the current password, but that should be easier. Perhaps if you right-click on a password field there will be an option to delete old passwords and perhaps keep the newest 2 or 3. Something along those lines? Or that it is adjustable how many passwords you want to keep?
  2. Hello, I hope this post finds you all well. I'm new to this, so please be kind if I missed it or it plainly obvious...lol With that said, how do you import passwords if you don't have a PC and only have access to EnPass android app? If there's an EnPass website to login for using the EnPass web version with my Android Phone, please let me know where. I've looked and I can't find it anywhere or an alternative way to do it. Everything directs me to importing Passwords with an extension on a PC and I don't have a computer, only a phone. Thank You, ___________ Jerry
  3. I came over to enpass.io from DataValut, and DataVault had a great feature to "copy without spaces". E.g. if you have your bank card number in DataVault, "1234 5678 9901 1123", "Copy without spaces" would copy "1234567899011123" into the clipboard instead of "1234 5678 9901 1123". This was fantastic as it kept numbers more human-readable in DataVault, but allowed them to be keyed without spaces as is required by many sites. Can this be added to enpass.io?
  4. Is any one having a issue with password not auto filling and when you click on the key in the upper right hand corner there’s no passwords available and a message says “no matching items found for what ever website you are trying to log into, if so and there’s a fix for this problem please reply. Thank you for any and all help. I am using an iPad Pro 2nd generation with iOS 12.
  5. I am still using Enpass version 5.6.10 on my Windows 7 laptop, but my Android devices (smart phone and tablet) are using The Android versions are working/syncing just fine, but I can't even get into my desktop Enpass because it won't accept my master password. It used to work, but not anymore. Anyone have a suggestion for fixing this problem?
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