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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I upgraded to enpass premium on my iPhone through the apple app store, however when I attempt to 'Restore Purchase' in the enpass application on my windows 10 desktop I get the following error message: Error while restoring purchase. Error code: 305 I'm unable to upgrade enpass on my windows 10 machine. I've tried closing and reopening the enpass app, rebooting the machine, but I get the same error every time. Has anybody experienced this issue and successfully resolved? Thanks
  2. Hi guys,my last phone is Oneplus 5(Android 8.1),I purchased the premium version from Google play and it works well. Recently,I use my new phone,MEIZU 15(Flyme based on Android 7.1.1),I also download enpass from Google play but it shows my version is trial. I tried several times,however,it doesn't work,I don't know what's wrong with it. Can someone help me please? Thanks in advance.
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